Picture Windows

Picture windows


Picture windows maximize energy efficiency and natural light as fixed frame, non-operable windows. Without grilles, picture windows lend themselves to sleek and contemporary style, while adding grilles can offer a traditional touch. Perfect as a standalone design element or in combination with other operable windows, shop online for select picture windows to fit your style.


Can picture windows be opened?

No, a picture window has fixed frames and do not operate.

When should you use a picture window?

Picture window does not operate, so they are common in areas that are out of reach. They add natural light and increase curb appeal in places where you don’t need the window to ventilate, such as tall foyers and stairways.

What is the most efficient window?

Picture window is extremely energy efficient given that it does not open and close. Also highly efficient are windows with dual- and triple-pane glass as they improve insulating properties and help reduce thermal transfer.


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